
  • Doula Support

    I believe it’s beneficial and important to have a connection when seeking doula care. I would love to take some time to hold space for you to discuss what support you’re seeking in a doula. Bring a trusted friend, family member, partner, or whomever will be a part of your birth journey.

  • Energy Healing

    Reiki is a holistic, safe, non-intrusive, gentle hands-on healing ancient Japanese technique using spiritual energy to treat physical ailments without using pressure, massaging or manipulating the body.

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is a state of active and open attention to the present moment, without judgment or attachment. It involves intentionally directing one's awareness to the experiences unfolding in the present, including thoughts, sensations, and emotions, while maintaining an attitude of curiosity and acceptance.

    A way that Flow Freely encourages mindfulness is through the practice of meditation; which involves training the mind to focus and redirect one's thoughts. It is often used to cultivate mindfulness, relaxation, and inner peace. While meditation has deep roots in religious and spiritual traditions, it is also practiced secularly for its mental and physical health benefits.

    We provide individual 1:1 and group guided meditations whether you are a beginner or experience in your practice.